EXANTE Unveils the IT Service Status Page

EXANTE Unveils the IT Service Status Page

We are continuously working on stability of production environments and quality of services (QoS) for EXANTE clients.

To provide greater visibility into our QoS, we delivered a status page with real-time information on outages and maintenance in our production environments: https://status.exante.eu/.

As an EXANTE client, you can manage your orders and positions factoring in the current status. In case of downtime, you’ll have real-time information on the incident so you can quickly adjust your course of action.

The page shows interruptions of the EXANTE services including:

  • Trading terminals, APIs and the Client’s Area
  • Order execution
  • Market data and availability of providers

Status.exante.eu is available to the general public without limitations and caters to the users of our trading platform (with the exception of White Label clients).

Check out the new page and share your feedback with our Customer Service!

Ten artykuł jest publikowany wyłącznie w celach informacyjnych i nie powinien być traktowany jako oferta lub zachęta do kupna lub sprzedaży jakichkolwiek inwestycji lub powiązanych usług, do których można się tu odwołać.

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Stworzone przez profesjonalistów. Dla profesjonalistów.
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